Quotes about Evangelism-Prayer
The best advice I can give about [sharing your faith]:
1. Pray for the chance to share your faith.
2. Pray to be ready to share your faith.
3. Pray for discretion in sharing your faith.
4. Pray for words to share your faith.
5. Pray for patience to listen as you share your faith.
6. Pray for God to prepare your friend’s heart and mind as you share your faith.
7. Pray to thank God for the opportunity to glorify His name.
Excerpted from How to Stay Christian in College by J. Budziszewski copyright 2004, p. 61-63. Used by permission of NavPress (Think Books) – www.navpress.com. All rights reserved. Get this book!
Our continuing to pray for someone is a testimony of our faith not in them or in ourselves, but in God.
God-Given Growth, Tabletalk, October 2007, p. 11. Used by Permission of Ligonier Ministries.
Intercession is truly universal work for the Christian. No place is closed to intercessory prayer. No continent – no nation – no organization – no city – no office. There is no power on earth that can keep intercession out.
Precede all your labors with earnest, diligent prayer. Do not rest on the number of tracts you have given because a million tracts may not lead to the conversion of one single soul. Yet, a blessing beyond calculation may result from one single tract. Expect everything to come from the blessing of the Lord and nothing at all from your own exertions.
The Autobiography of George Muller, 1984, p. 221-222. All quotations taken from books published by Whitaker House are used with permission of the publisher. Whitaker House books are available at Christian bookstores everywhere. Get this book!
The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.
Many of us cannot reach the mission fields on our feet, but we can reach them on our knees (Thomas Bach).
Quoted by Curtis C. Thomas, Practical Wisdom for Pastors, Crossway Books, 2001, p. 182.
If we cannot prevail with men for God, we will, at least, endeavor to prevail with God for men.
Methinks every true Christian should be exceedingly earnest in prayer concerning the souls of the ungodly; and when they are so, how abundantly God blesses them and how the church prospers!
Jesus’ burden for the lost multitude resulted in His instruction to pray that the Lord would send laborers into the harvest field (Matthew 9:38). In His deep burden for the unsaved He commanded prayer for the saints instead of the sinner. Likewise, the apostle Paul requested prayer for both the opportunity to witness (Colossians 4:3) and the courage to present the gospel (Ephesians 6:19-20). To pray for our lost friends is a naturally loving instinct, but it is God’s Word that guides us how to do so. It instructs us to pray that the Lord would send someone into their lives who would have the opportunity and the freedom to clearly present the gospel.
A Journey to Victorious Praying, Moody Publishers, 2003, p. 86.
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Every convert is the result of the Holy Spirit’s pleading in answer to the prayers of some believer.
If we have the burden of souls upon us we shall never ask, “How long need I pray?”