About my Savior…
His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Almighty King of kings, Creator, Judge, Savior and Lord. In 1990 He opened the spiritual eyes of this heathen jock and nightclub bouncer. Since then my life hasn’t been the same. He is the One who washed away all my sins through His shed blood at Calvary. He is the One who daily speaks His life-transforming Word into my life. He is the One who carries me through the day and will one day bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. His is my joy, my life and my ever-present companion.
About myself…
I am a follower of a magnificent Savior, a husband of an amazing wife, a father of four fantastic children and a member and pastor of a terrific church. I am all about good theology, family activities, church participation, the books, the beach, the gym, hiking national parks (see below) and anything Chicago sports – yes, that means Da Bears, Jordan’s six rings and a lifetime of suffering with the Cubbies (minus 2016).

About my ministry…
Back in 2001, I began sending out selected Christian quotes to the church where I was called to pastor. What began as a casual tool to shepherd the flock has become an international ministry with hundreds of followers. Within time a database was created to archive the quotes, and it has gradually grown into the largest topically organized collection of Christian quotations available on the internet. Presently the database contains roughly 15,000 Christian quotations.
Grace Quotes is intended to edify and equip the worldwide Christian community. It is my prayer that you will gladly use these treasured gems to increase your knowledge, enhance your devotions and complement your biblical instruction. And most of all, may these quotations never replace, but only supplement your faithful and primary commitment to the Word of God.
About my friends…
A special shout-out to Banner of Truth, Crossway, NavPress, Moody and Soli Deo Gloria publishers, in addition to Desiring God (John Piper), Grace to You (John MacArthur), Enjoying God (Sam Storms) and Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) ministries for their willing assistance and generous permission. Also, much appreciation to the many friends and family members who have sacrificially and invaluably assisted in the development and management of this ministry. Without them, all of this would not have been possible! Lastly, my gratitude goes out to all of you – Grace Quotes Nation – for your participation, support, encouragement and advancement of this ministry. To Him be the glory!