Quotes by Scott Klusendorf
The Sabbath itself is not eternal, but was a sign of the Mosaic covenant. Exodus 31:13-17 designates the day as a “sign between Me and you throughout your generations.” As such, it is given to a specific people for a specific time to remind them of a specific covenant – the Mosaic one. When that covenant is replaced with a new one, the sign that pointed to it – the Sabbath – no longer applies. True, the “sign” is said to be “forever,” but…“forever” does not necessarily mean “eternal,” but forever until fulfilled. For example, various other elements of the Mosaic law were spoken of as permanent – including the administration of the tabernacle, animals sacrifices, and the priesthood. All these were fulfilled in Christ.
Scott Klusendorf Cherry Picking the Commandments, www.prolifetraining.com, Used by Permission.
In the new covenant, the Sabbath isn’t transferred from Sabbath to Sunday – a move for which there is scant biblical or historical evidence. Rather, Sunday functions as a new day of worship to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus who not only fulfilled the penalty of the law, but also its righteous demands.
Scott Klusendorf Cherry Picking the Commandments, www.prolifetraining.com, Used by Permission.
How does a simple journey of seven inches down the birth canal suddenly transform the essential nature of the fetus from non-person to person?
The Law’s purpose was temporary. Unlike God’s unchanging covenant with Abraham, the Mosaic one was at risk due to Israel’s persistent rebellion (Dan. 9:7-14; Hos. 6:7; 8:1). The solution God promises is not a renewal of what He gave at Sinai, but a new arrangement “not like the covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke” (Jer. 31:34). That promise of something new was not lost on its intended audience.
Scott Klusendorf Cherry Picking the Commandments, www.prolifetraining.com, Used by Permission.