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Quotes by Robert Lewis


Paul alludes to a component of baptism that is often overlooked. He says that from this moment forward, we are to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). Baptism represents our death to the self-ruled life and our submission to the rule of God, our willing embrace of His mission for us.


Every dad begins fatherhood clothed in garments of praise [Proverbs 17:6]. It usually happens naturally and effortlessly. He possesses an authority that is both inexplicable and awesome. For this reason, few things are more important to a boy – or a man – than a touch, or a smile, or a word of encouragement from Dad.


At His baptism Jesus Christ embraced His mission and then heard His Father say, “I’m proud of You, My Son.” The transcendent cause was blessed, affirmed, and “spiked” by the Father’s vocal affirmation. If He held any doubts about His course in life, they were vanished in that one instance. Every temptation He would encounter and all of the hardships He would endure were immediately put into perspective. He embraced His mission, and He was affirmed by His Father, investing the moment with reverential awe.


Interruptions [can become] divine appointments.


What is a real man? [Contrasting] the lives of Adam and Jesus comes the following powerful reply. A real man is one who: rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously [and] accepts the greater reward, God’s reward. This manhood vision desperately needs to be proclaimed throughout our society. It is a vision that makes its greatest impact when transmitted from fathers to their Modern-Day Knights.