Quotes about Comfort


If you want a religion to make you feel comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.


We find thus by experience that there is no good applying to heaven for earthly comfort. Heaven can give heavenly comfort; no other kind. Earth cannot give earthly comfort either, as there is no earthly comfort in the long run.


Those who experience the most suffering will receive the most comfort. And those who receive the most comfort are thereby most richly equipped to comfort others (see 2 Cor.1:3-4).


We’re too comfortable to be spiritual… We think we will be able to pursue God better without danger or hardship. And yet it works in just the opposite way. Nothing is more difficult than to grow spiritually when comfortable (Tim Bascom).


Choosing the cross over comfort is a requirement for following Christ [Lk. 9:23].


Multitudes who come to church for comfort need to be severely discomfited and awakened out of their lethal slumbering.