Quotes about Politics


We must not be so engulfed in trying to force social behavior to conform to our standards that we become enemies of those our Lord has called us to win to Himself. We must reject sin and never compromise God’s standards of righteousness. But we also must never engage in defamation and denigration of the lost sinners who make up our corrupt culture. When Christians become political, sinners become the enemy instead of the mission field.


Political activism can also tempt us to blur the lines regarding our mission field. Those in an opposing political party become “enemies” rather than lost souls who need Christ preached to them with love and compassion. Those who share our political convictions are embraced as “brothers and sisters” even though they may also be lost souls who need Christ. Ungodly partnerships can develop when true Christians join hands with cult groups and other unbelievers based on shared political ideologies. And unbiblical perspectives can be adopted, based on maintaining the party line, even when those views don’t square with scripture.

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