Quotes about Evangelism-Encouragement
Understanding our inability to choose God unless God first chooses us actually frees the evangelist to evangelize, and leaves the converting to God!
The Story of the Fall by Michael Lawrence taken from Biblical Theology by Michael Lawrence, copyright 2010, Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, Wheaton Illinois 60187, www.crosswaybooks.org. Page 136.
Consider those sharing the Gospel. Anyone who believes the validity of this message, has been transformed by this message, seeks to be obedient to God by declaring the message, loves people enough to proclaim this message and willingly receives persecution for sharing this message, shows that he or she has truly received “salvation” (see Philippians 1:28).
The doctrines of grace, and specifically the doctrine of limited atonement, empower evangelism rather than hinder it. Embracing these wonderful biblical truths allows one to boldly and clearly declare the good news of the gospel, knowing that the power is not in our presentation of it or in the audience’s ability to understand it or desire to believe it, but, instead, rests solely upon an all-powerful God who has determined to save people from every tribe, tongue and nation.