Headship in a marriage works when both a husband and wife love Jesus, want to show Gospel and are both walking in the Spirit. Together they ultimately want the Lord’s glory. Together they discuss everything. The husband should never need to demand the wife to submit. They are a team. They have a shared vision for the family. When a certain spiritual direction is needed, the husband provides the leadership. But that decision is not implemented until they both have time to talk and pray through the issue. Together they may seek wise counsel. Perhaps the wife will give a new perspective to the husband. This is what teamwork is all about. This is the meaning of “one flesh.” If we both have the Holy Spirit, why would the Spirit guide us in two different directions? Yet only when all these avenues have been exhausted and the husband feels a certain direction is necessary for the family, then does the wife need to support her husband’s decision. Realizing it is the husband, not her that stands accountable before God.