Quotes by John Napier
Living the Christian life is often described in the Bible with words and phrases such as: “warfare,” “fight,” “run the race,” “yield not,” “work out,” and “press on.” The Christian life is a disciplined life of constant vigilance, of taking up the cross daily. There are no short-cuts. The spiritual conflict will continue till we step on the other side of glory.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 138. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The biblical tongues of the first century were known languages which communicated the wonders of God publicly to unbelievers. They served as an authenticating sign that the gospel message was true. Their function far transcended a personal and devotional use on the part of the speaker.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 27-28. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
In any discussion of tongues, it is important to note that they were not just spiritual gifts. They also were designated as a “sign gift” and part of a cluster of gifts named by Jesus in Mark 16. These sign gifts were given to individuals to authenticate the message of the gospel. The early Christians had no New Testament in the early years following the ascension of Christ. As the gospel went to Jew and Gentile alike, it needed the witness of the signs to undergird its authority, until the written Scriptures established that authority base.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 35. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Our God is a miracle-working God! He still steps in to heal, to answer prayer, to perform His purposes. No doubt many of the reports are true. However, the miraculous reports coming from mission fields do not attest to the fact that biblical tongues and sign gifts still apply to today.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 68. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
If at any point in one’s Christian life, all of the nine manifestations of the fruit are not present, then that is evidence that that person is not Spirit-filled.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 138. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The goal of the Christian life is not to gain the Spirit-filled experience; rather, THE GOAL IS TO REMAIN SPIRIT-FILLED. That should be the normal Christian life. That is why abiding is so crucial. The believer is to move from “spring cleaning” and the Spirit-filled life to a firm commitment to maintain such.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 123. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Genuine revival will always foster a high regard for Scripture.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 157. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Experience is a dangerous ground upon which to test ultimate truth, because our experiences may vary, and our interpretation of an experience, however genuine, may be wrong. Scripture clearly says to “test the spirits, whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1). No human can test spiritual realities without the Word of God.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 21. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The Scriptures play a major role in this abiding process. As one lives out an ordinary day, meditating upon the Word and the Lord, seeking to bring every thought into captivity to Christ, filtering every experience through the Word, the Spirit has free reign in the heart and communion with the Lord is vibrant. There will be struggles to maintain this unbroken communion; but, when there are failures, communion can be restored through confession and appropriation of the promises of God.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 123. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The god of Roman Catholic doctrine is not the God of the Bible; therefore, that leaves only one alternative, the “god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4). Thus, the vast majority of those in the Roman Catholic Church are lost. However, those in Roman Catholic churches who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ alone and do not embrace the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in their heart may be saved.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 177. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
One must ever be reminded that to be right on doctrine does not mean one is right with the Lord.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 157. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
From the Garden of Eden, to the experience of Job, to the temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the present day, Satan has tried to move man away from submission to the authority of God and His Word. If he cannot do it through direct enticement or challenge, he will attempt to do it through all manner of subtlety and deception. That is why one must be careful not to embrace new revelations that come through any avenue: impressions, intuition, visions, dreams, tongues, or prophecy. As noted previously, such undermine both the authority and sufficiency of Scripture.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 112. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The Holy Spirit never intended to occupy the center stage in the life of the church. Yes, He is the dynamic behind every Christian life. That is His role; that is His ministry (cf. Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 5:18). However, when He is thrust into the limelight by man, such is not in accord with the will of God as revealed in Scripture. Our Lord Jesus Christ is to have the preeminence in all things (cf. Col. 1:13-18). The Spirit’s ministry focuses upon revealing the Lord Jesus Christ and in exalting Jesus before all (cf. John 15:26; 16:13-15)… When people talk more about the Spirit than the Lord Jesus Christ, such an orientation points to error in the church.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 136. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture and…revelation itself (Rev. 22:13-14) closes with the book bearing the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus spoke His last words to the Church as recorded in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who claim to speak new revelation from God today stand against the preeminence of Christ as the highest revelation of God.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 46-47. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
When did the apostolic office cease? Right after the Apostle John penned the last words of Scripture. Shortly after Scripture was completed, the last living apostle died.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 63. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Impressions, hunches, intuition, signs, and new revelation become the focus of the Christian instead of moment-by-moment dependence upon Scripture. Soon, even the lines of Christian fellowship are determined by “common experiences” rather than biblical truth. It is a fine line, but what a great deception. Again, Satan is willing to give ground, to gain a greater advantage.
Charismatic Challenge by John Napier, Providence House Publishers, 2003, p. 131. Used by permission. All rights reserved.