Quotes about Jesus_Christ-Priest


In some respects, Jesus’ priesthood is vastly different for that of Aaron and his successors.  He does not merely assist sinful human beings in securing forgiveness from God; He Himself forgives sins (Mt. 9:1-8).  The Jewish high priest had to “offer sacrifice for his own sins just as he does for those of the people;” Jesus, the sinless One, addressed the sins of others exclusively (Heb. 5:3; 7:26-28; 4:14-16).  Moreover, He saves His people from their sins, not by slaying goats, calves and lambs, but by sacrificing Himself and pouring out His own blood (Mt. 1:21; 20:28; 26:26-28).


In a way completely incomprehensible to the human mind, Jesus Christ not only became the God-man in the incarnation but also will forever continue to be that. As High Priest, He continually intercedes for all those He saves. Because a priest must represent both God and men, He could not have been believers’ High Priest apart from His deigning to become a man. If He had never been touched with the feelings of their infirmities, including being tempted in every way as they are, He could not have fully identified with them and thereby been able to encourage, strengthen, and encourage them in their temptations.


His ongoing priestly work in the heavenly sanctuary is carried out as a risen and exalted human. Like the priests of old were “chosen from among men” and “appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God,” so also Christ was “made like His brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest” on our behalf (Heb 5:1; 2:17) (Luke Stamps).


Christ’s [refused] to claim the office of high priest for Himself. Rather, He accepted His appointment from the Father, which was a self-effacing act that cannot be restricted to His incarnate ministry alone, since the appointment to high priesthood preceded the work high priesthood itself.

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