Quotes about Abortion


You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.


What reassurance for anyone who regrets a past abortion: Through Jesus’ sacrifice we can find peace and forgiveness. And are the rest of us any different? Let’s be like the man who “beat upon his chest in sorrow, exclaiming, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner’ and not like the judgmental Pharisee who prayed this prayer: ‘Thank God, I am not a sinner like everyone else!'” Jesus said that this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home forgiven! Luke 18.


Appeals to biblical morality, to the constitutional rights to life, to scientific facts about the development of life in the womb, to the brutality of abortion techniques – these objective issues carry no weight with people whose worldview allows for no external absolutes, who accept no moral criteria beyond a woman’s arbitrary choice, or who uncritically accept orthodox feminist party line.

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Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches

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Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers

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Culture Shift: The Battle for the Moral Heart of America

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