God is tirelessly on our side. He never falters in respect of our needs, He always has more grace at hand for us. He is never less than sufficient, He always has more and yet more to give. Whatever we may forfeit when we put self first, we cannot forfeit our salvation, for there is always more grace. No matter what we do to Him, he is never beaten. We may play false to the grace of election, contradict the grace of reconciliation, overlook the grace of indwelling – but he gives more grace. Even we were to turn to him and say, “What I have received so far is much less than enough,” He would reply, “Well, you may have more.” His resources are never at an end, His patience is never exhausted, His initiative never stops, His generosity knows no limit: He gives more grace.
Taken from: The Message of James by J.A. Motyer. Copyright 1985, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. Used with permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515, p. 150, www.ivpress.com.