Physical and Psychological Effects of Abortion:
1. More than 100 physical complications have been associated with abortion. Immediate physical effects include: infection, hemorrhage, cervical damage, damage to other internal organs, perforation of the uterus, abdominal pain, menstrual irregularity, headaches, dizziness, and blood clots. In some cases, today’s so-called “safe-legal” abortions can result in death.
2. Long-term physical effects include: sterility, stillbirth, miscarriage of further children, and premature births of subsequent children, (which can lead to many complication in newborns.)
3. Secondary health problems associated with abortion are now being studied. Abortion can lead to an increase in substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.), which has many well-known negative health consequences.
4. Many women suffer from psychological aftereffects of abortion. These complications are called post-abortion syndrome, or PAS.
5. Some of the behavior which mark PAS are: recurrent memories, dreams and repetitions of the abortion experience; avoidance of emotional attachment; relationship problems; sleep disturbances; guilt about surviving when the unborn child died; memory impairment; hostile outbursts; suicidal thoughts or actions and substance abuse.
6. Some women begin to suffer from PAS right after their abortions; for others. The symptoms may not begin to appear from many months of years after the abortion. Often, a major life event, such as the birth of another child, can trigger PAS in a woman.
7. The negative psychological effects of abortion can also be seen in fathers, grandparents and siblings. Even medical personnel involved in the abortion industry have reported that they suffered from negative effects.