Quotes about Prayer-Holy_Spirit


In our prayer God returns from His projection in Nature to speak with Himself. When we speak to God it is really the God who lives in us speaking through us to Himself. His Spirit returns to Him who gave it; and returns not void, but bearing our souls with Him


We can no more pray without the Holy Spirit than we can create a world.


The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Power helpeth our infirmity in prayer.
The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Life ends our deadness in prayer.
The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Wisdom delivers us from ignorance in this holy art of prayer.
The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Fire delivers us from coldness in prayer.
The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Might comes to our aid in our weakness as we pray.


Prayer is an art which only the Spirit can teach us. He is the giver of all prayer.


To pray in the Holy Spirit simply means to lean upon His divine help as we pray.


As we seek to obey the Spirit’s guidance in prayer, let me tell you what will often happen – nothing! But sometimes “nothing” means that the Spirit desires to slow us down and lead us into silence. Our society is addicted to noise, and for that reason we are often insensitive to the Spirit of God.


Men of power are without exception men of prayer. God bestows His Holy Spirit in His fullness only on men of prayer. And it is through the operation of the Spirit that answers to prayer come.


For the Holy Spirit is prayer’s great Helper. We are incapable of ourselves to translate our real needs into prayer. The Holy Spirit does this for us. We cannot ask as we ought. The Holy Spirit does this for us. It is possible for unaided man to ask what is for our ill. The Holy Spirit can check this. No weak or trembling hand dare put in motion any mighty force. Can I – dare I – move the Hand that moves the universe? No! Unless the Holy Spirit has control of me.