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Quotes by Rod Rogers


The world has a “go-getter” mind-set. The Christian has a “go-giver” mind-set. The world says, “Give to get.” The Christian says, “Give to get to give.” The Christian always stops with giving.


What you receive from life will be greatly determined by what you give in life. You’ve got to put something in to get something out.


Cowardice asks the question: “Is it safe?” Consensus asks the question: “Is it popular?” Courage asks the question: “Is it right?”


We know it isn’t ungodly to teach about money because the Bible is full of instructions on the subject. You’ve read the statistics:

1. The Bible has five hundred verses on prayer, fewer than five hundred verses on faith, but over two thousand verses dealing with money and possessions.

2. The book of Proverbs alone is filled with instructions about money.

3. It has been said that Jesus talked more about money than about any other subject. Of Jesus’ thirty-eight parables, sixteen deal with money management.

4. One out of every ten verses in the gospels has to do with money or possessions – a total of 288 verses.

5. There is more said in the New Testament about money, than about heaven and hell combined.

If God thought it was important to talk to His people about money management and giving, you and I have no right to neglect these parts of His word.


You cannot lead people where you have never been. You cannot impart what you do not possess. You cannot preach with power what you are not practicing with integrity.


Never hesitate to ask people to make a commitment that is for their own good.


Six principles of wise money management:

1. Use a budget (Pr. 21:5a).

2. Have a savings plan (Pr. 21:20).

3. Don’t cosign for someone else’s loan (Pr. 6:1-5; 17:18; 22:26-27; cf. 11:15; 20:16).

4. Stay out of debt (Pr. 22:7).

5. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes (Pr. 29:19-20, 22).

6. Don’t buy on impulse (Pr. 21:5b).


It is common for Christians to foolishly mismanage their money and then blame God for not blessing them financially.


The sad reality is that:

1. In 2004, only 4 percent of Americans gave 10 percent or more to their church (Barna 2005).

2. Only about 30 to 40 percent of church members even use a percentage guide (Grimm 1992, 44).

3. Only about 50 percent of members even know what percentage of income they give (Grimm 1992, 44).


Partial obedience is disobedience. And for the vast majority of God’s people, anything less than 10 percent is partial obedience.


The 10 percent figure is not a biblical rule, but a minimum guideline for obeying New Testament principles for giving. The key to obedient stewardship in either case is that the amount you give be sacrificial, generous and proportionate to the level at which God has prospered you. If giving 10 percent of your net income doesn’t meet these standards, just increase the percentage until it does.


I believe in using the giving of a tithe as a guideline for leading God’s people into faithful stewardship. I’m convinced that we should start by giving a minimum of ten percent… This is not a biblical command, but I believe it is a reasonable guideline that will enable us to obey the New Testament principle of proportionate giving.


The amount of your giving may not be large in comparison to someone else’s gift, but if your heart is generous, and your gift is sacrificial, God is pleased.


When…people begin to give generously, they will enter into intense spiritual warfare. Satan knows how life transforming it is for believers to give obediently. He also know how God uses the financial resources we give to further His work on Earth. So, using fear and covetousness, our adversary fights ferociously to cripple our giving. That is why, in the context of spiritual warfare and the armor of God, we are commanded to pray for each other (Eph. 6:18).


The only people who don’t like sermons on giving generously are people who don’t like to give generously.


Stingy, selfish people who don’t give to God and their church are often the most unhappy, joyless people. You’ve seen a selfish child gripping a toy in both hands, refusing to share with her little brother, crying and screaming, “Mine, mine, mine!” She’s definitely not a happy child. Many Christian are holding their wallets in both hands and as they hear a message on giving they begin screaming, “Mine, mine, mine!” They are not happy people.


God doesn’t want you to give out of a sense of pressure or guilt. God wants you to give with eager joy. If there is joy in your heart when offering time comes, you know God is pleased. Do you look forward to writing the offering check? Do you feel like bursting with joy at offering time in your church? Do you get excited when you receive unexpected money that you can give to God’s work? If so, you have entered into the true spirit of giving.


According to 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, truly biblical giving that pleases God is dependent on His grace from start to finish. God’s grace:

1. Enables us to give generously.

2. Causes us to consider giving to be a privilege.

3. Assists us in viewing collections as gracious works.

4. Inspires us with Christ’s gracious example.

5. Helps us give by means of human leadership.

6. Graciously rewards us with an abundance of money to meet all of our personal needs and to give to others.


One way to be diligent in your financial planning is to evaluate all spending decisions by asking the following Scriptural questions:

1. Do I have any doubt about purchasing the item (Rom. 14:23)?

2. Have I given God an opportunity to supply it (Psm. 37:4; Pr. 10:3)?

3. Will it aid or hinder my spiritual growth (1 Cor. 6:12)?

4. Does it put me in debt (Pr. 22:7)?

5. Is it a good investment (Pr. 20:14)?

6. Is it meaningful for my family (1 Tim. 5:8)?

7. Why do I want it (1 Tim. 6:9)?

8. Do I really need it?


Four common sinful attitudes keep God’s people from giving:

1. Perverted Priorities.

2. Lack of Contentment.

3. Lack of Faith.

4. Covetousness.


God is pleased when you give beyond your ability to give. The point is God is pleased when you give sacrificially. Salvation is free, but stewardship is costly. Few of us really give sacrificially. Most of us adjust our standard of giving to our standard of living. Instead, we should adjust our standard of living to our standard of giving.


In light of God’s promises, believers who refuse to give obediently don’t have a money problem – they have a trust problem.


If you want God’s help to get out of debt, you must put God first in your giving. It flies in the face of conventional wisdom, but I have seen many families give their way out of debt.


What does God have to say about the impact of all this debt on His people? He tells us in Proverbs 22:7b” “The borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” Debt makes you a slave to your lender. In the Old Testament world if you couldn’t pay your debt on time you became the slave of the lender until you worked off your obligations. In our day, if you borrow money you become the lender’s slave by giving much or most of your income back to the lender.


The basic rule for avoiding debt is: “Never spend more than you make.”


You know you are a practicing materialist if there is a certain amount of money you think you must accumulate, or something you believe you must buy, before you can be happy.


You will always spend your money on what is most important to you… If your giving to the church of Jesus Christ is poor, it is a clear sign that you’re not excited about the things that God takes delight in. And, if you truly do take delight in the growth and success of Christ’s church, put your money where your heart is.