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Quotes by Richard Mayhue


An idol is anything, any attitude, any belief, or any god that so captures a person’s attention and allegiance that God does not have pre-eminence.


Five kinds of wrath [when the word is used of God]:
1. Sowing and reaping wrath (Lam. 2:2, 4).
2. Cataclysmic wrath (Ex. 15:7).
3. Abandonment wrath (Rom. 1:18, 24, 26, 28).
4. Eschatological wrath (Rev. 6:16-17).
5. Eternal wrath (Rom. 2:5-11).
Context determines the exact meaning of “wrath” in a specific biblical text.


1. Expositional preaching best achieves the biblical intent of preaching: delivering God’s message.
2. Expositional preaching promotes scripturally authoritative preaching.
3. Expositional preaching magnifies God’s Word.
4. Expositional preaching provides a storehouse of preaching material.
5. Expositional preaching develops the pastor as a man of God’s Word.
6. Expositional preaching ensures the highest level of Bible knowledge for the flock.
7. Expositional preaching encourages both depth and comprehensiveness.
8. Expositional preaching forces the treatment of hard-to-interpret texts.
9. Expositional preaching leads to thinking and living biblically.
10. Expositional preaching allows for handling broad theological terms.
11. Expositional preaching keeps preachers away from ruts and hobby horses.
12. Expositional preaching prevents the insertion of human ideas.
13. Expositional preaching guards against the misinterpretation of biblical texts.
14. Expositional preaching imitates the preaching of Christ and the apostles.
15. Expositional preaching brings out the best in the expositor.


Church discipline is not a “witch hunt,” nor a way to be vindictive, nor even a means to justify rumors in the church. Rather, it is an orderly and honorable way to deal with alleged or well known patterns of sin. It is to be practiced with gentleness (Gal. 6:1), humility (2 Tim. 2:25), and a view towards restoration (Matt. 18:15-17; Gal. 6:1).


The major purposes of church discipline are:

1. To deal with sin in the church before Christ has to step in and deal with it personally (Rev. 2-3).

2. To restore offending believers to a place of unhindered fellowship (Matt. 18:15-17; Gal. 6:1).

3. To warn and deter others from sin (1 Tim. 5:20).

4. To prevent desecrating the Lord’s Table (1 Cor. 11:27-32).

5. To purify the church (1 Cor. 5:6-8).

6. To glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31).


Thankfully, joy is an all-season response to life. Even in the dark times, sorrow enlarges the capacity of the heart for joy. Like a diamond against black velvet, true spiritual joy shines brightest against the darkness of trials, tragedies and testing.