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Quotes by James Alexander


It is highly honorable to family-worship, as a spiritual service, that it languishes and goes into decay in times when error and worldliness make inroads in the church.


Expository Preaching:

1. Emulates biblical preaching both in content and style.

2. Best achieves the biblical intent of preaching: delivering God’s message.

3. Promotes scripturally authoritative preaching.

4. Magnifies God’s Word.

5. Provides a storehouse of preaching material.

6. Develops the pastor as a man of God’s Word.

7. Ensures the highest level of biblical knowledge for the flock

8. Leads to thinking and living biblically.

9. Encourages both depth and comprehensiveness.

10. Forces treatment of hard-to-interpret texts.

11. Allows for handling broad theological themes.

12. Keeps preachers away from ruts and hobbyhorses.

13. Prevents the insertion of human ideas.

14. Guards against misinterpretation of the biblical text.

15. Imitates the preaching of Christ and the apostles.

16. Brings out the best in the expositor.


Our church cannot compare with that of the seventeenth century. Along with the Sabbath observance, and the catechizing of children, Family Worship has lost ground. There are many heads of families, communicants in our churches, and some ruling elders and deacons, who maintain no stately daily service of God in their dwelling.


Every church court, every pastor, missionary, and ruling elder, every Sabbath-schoolteacher, and colporteur, out of love for the generation to come, should make the establishment of Family-Worship an object of separate and earnest endeavor.Every father of a family should consider himself as charged with the souls of those with whom he hopes to leave behind him, and as contributing to the future propagation of the truth, by every act of devotion performed in his house. Wherever he has a tent, God should have an altar.